What’s Next After High School in India?

Introduction: Welcome Stucred readers! We are here with the most awaited blog at the most important time. Congratulations on successfully surviving the roller coaster ride that is high school! Now, as you stand at the crossroads of your academic journey, contemplating what comes next? we’re here to guide you through

Travel Tips and Hacks for Students

Are you a student thinking about implementing that long planned Goa trip with your buddies? Planning for your first solo trip abroad? Are you planning for that girl’s only trip to that island? Traveling is an amazing experience, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful, especially if you have

Why taking loans beyond your limit is a threat?

Taking out a loan can be a helpful tool for many people, providing a way to pay for unexpected expenses or to finance a major purchase. However, it’s essential to be cautious when taking out loans. Because borrowing beyond your financial limit can quickly lead to trouble. This blog post

Side hustle ideas for Students in India

Greetings, Students in India! Every teenagers browse about the side hustle ideas that can help them earn a little extra bucks. Are you one of them? Are you feeling exhausted from living on a shoestring budget? Tired of pinching every penny to make ends meet? College life can be tricky,

5 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Matters

As a student, you may have put your credit score on the back burner like yesterday’s leftovers, but it’s time to take it out of the fridge and seriously consider it! So buckle up, buttercup, and get ready to enter the wild world of credit card’s scores . Whether you’re

Decoding the effects of inflation on purchasing power and cost of living

The effects of inflation on purchasing power and cost of living Inflation is a word that sends shivers down the spine of many an Indian saver. Inflation will erode the value of your money over time, but with the right strategies, you can keep your wealth from deflating. Let’s explore

Pro tips to change the internship letter to job offer letter

Hey Students!!!here is a pro tip for you to change the internship letter to job offer letter!!The desire to acquire an advantage for future work has increased the quantity and caliber of internship applications as the economy grows and talent becomes more challenging to find. Internships are becoming more and

Student Credit – Why it’s Important!!!!

Hey Students, we are back with the most important question- How important is credit to you as a student? It is essential to build credit while you are young in order to set yourself up for future success. With a high credit score, you are more likely to qualify for

Earning Money As Students – 10 Best Side Hustles Ideas

Don’t we all agree that the pocket money that students receive is never enough for them? We see a lot of people trying to learn earning money as a student and guess what? There are a lot of part-time jobs that the GenZ calls “side gigs” that help you earn

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