5 Things you Have to Try Out in College

College life is of 90% all about fun. It’s a typical thing to worry about how to escape boring lectures, especially when you’re stuck in a strict college. But as life goes on, times flies, and before you could realize it, college life would be way beyond in your past. It’s just this one period of time where you can behave like an actual grown up, without having grown-up responsibilities. So make sure to be in check to do the following things that you might end up regretting not doing in college.

Needless to say, bunking classes is the better half of mundane class lectures. It’s that excitement when the bell goes, legs lead to the door automatically. But isn’t it more fun to be on your own while the class is going on? Cultivating this habit might quite be difficult in the beginning, but as the saying goes, “perfect practice makes a man perfect”. Try this least once in your college life, else you’d end up regretting that you can’t do so in your work environment!

Ever felt hungry during a seminar? Well, even when the brain works, it uses up energy. The real fun is to have snacks in a sneaky manner. Passing it around from desk to desk, hiding it under the table and above all, eating it without grabbing the attention of the professor. You’d be inclined to do more of this if you try it once. Go ahead and give it a shot!

You’ll have that one closest friend who knows every possible thing about you. Have you tried swapping your ID card with this person for a day? Personify each other as each other and not as you, if you want to play a prank on someone, or for sneaking inside the library. But don’t try doing that for exams, please. There’s only a thin line between fun and violation. Do try this fun for small-scale pranks.

5 THINGS YOU’LL REGRET NOT DOING IN COLLEGE, crazy things to do in college, fun things to do in college, crazy things  done in college

Sick of getting caught for chewing gum in class? Then why not replace gum with mint? Mints are handier and more in number where you can pop one from time to time, and they aren’t as bad to health as gums. Plus, you needn’t chew it, you don’t have to get caught, yet you can refresh yourself by getting minty-fresh. Wake up from sleep instantly and give the class fresh attention!

Just like all the memes say, instead of bunking the class directly, take the washroom excuse, and go about a longer route after site-seeing all the class. Or get a relaxed stroll along the pavements. A little late to class sometimes is no harm, if you aren’t a frequent bunker. Give it a try, maybe you’ll not regret after experiencing this.

Is there some other fun stuff you do in college that people may regret not doing? Share it with us, and comment below.

Tag-5 THINGS YOU’LL REGRET NOT DOING IN COLLEGE, crazy things to do in college, fun things to do in college, crazy things are done in college

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