Online classes have become a new normal because of the coronavirus pandemic. As there was a decorum to be followed in the offline classes, there are do’s and don’ts of taking an online class too.
Here are some do’s and don’ts of taking an online classes
Various Do’s of Taking an Online Class
Punctuality: In online class attendance and punctuality is of great importance. Now as we are in the comfort of our homes we cannot give any excuse for being late. We must log in on time and show our presence.
Greet and Respect Others: We must introduce ourselves cheerfully and greet and treat others with respect. We must talk when necessary and give others also the time to speak. we must not interfere in between and disturb others. if we differ in opinion and want to ask something or have not understood something then we must speak only after the speaker has stopped.
Self study and preparation: Before joining the online class we must study the topic beforehand also. We must also prepare what was taught in the earlier classes. In such a case we will understand better. The teacher will appreciate that you are taking the online classes seriously and not treating it casually like many others do.
Setting: The table for online classes must be set up in a peaceful area where we are free from distraction. The background must also be plain and clean, no sounds, movements and unnecessary things must be visible to others in the online classes. The computer camera, the microphone must be tested beforehand.
Don’ts of taking an online classes
Don’t be inactive in an online class: Participate fully in the classes. Respond to the teachers, ask questions, give answers. This will tell the teacher that you are attentive and taking the classes seriously. If you keep quiet all the time then the teacher will have a very bad impression, that you are not interested in the class and lost in daydreaming.
No excuse for bad Technology: After a very long period of the online mode of classes you cannot give excuse for poor technology. The breakdown of computer, mobile internet or charging. It is expected that we take care of all this before the classes and make proper arrangements.
Refrain from online surfing: During the time of online classes do not get involved in other internet surfing. Block popups and make sure that we turn off notifications while we are locked on and “in class”.
Don’t feel isolated: Sometimes online classes feel isolated and lonely. But remember everywhere in the world online meetings are a new normal. We can socialize with others on online discussion forums and group platforms.
Never be discouraged: It is a fact that physical exercise and movement has reduced. But always take breaks during long online schedules. Take a walk, have a tea break, eat healthy food. Make yoga and meditation a routine to relieve ourselves of stress. Always be hopeful. Whatever is happening is for good and whatever will happen will also be for good.
Online classes may seem boring
But it’s learning with caring.
Earlier we waited for holidays
Now we miss those school days.
But, keep in mind to follow these do’s and don’ts of taking an online class for a better learning during this situation.
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